Saturday, July 9, 2011

About Face

Yesterday morning I went to About Face with some of my friends. About Face is a group that meets in the Columbia Museum of Art's Basement where they draw/paint/sculpt nude models. It was pretty fun although I found the other artists overly clingy as they would not leave us alone. I personally find that when I'm drawing naked people I like to be left alone but I guess that's just me.
I did a mixed media kind of a thing with watercolor and color pencil. To her credit, the model was actually not that chunky. Anyone's stomach folds like that when they are sitting down. She also had a bigger rack.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lo Fidelity Allstars - Battleflag [*UNCENSORED*]

Ashley usually puts up lyrics of the day, well here is Tony's video of the day. Each day I will put up a music video I find particularly awesome or otherwise find interesting. To start things off we have Lo Fidelity Allstars with their track from 1999 Battleflag. Warning as the video is uncensored and thus is NSFW.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Artist Of The Day: Belinda Del Pesco

Belinda Del Pesco is an awesome artist who specializes in watercolor, drawing, and printmaking. I'm particularly drawn to her work because of her use of color and her collograph prints. I definately think that her website is worth a look.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

In honor of Canada Day I would like to recommend a short novel, "Mrs.Mike: The Story Of Katherine Mary Flannigan." "Mrs.Mike..." is a coming of age novel where a young woman moves up north and falls in love with a mounty named Mike. Together they help aid a small province of Canada. The book takes place circa 1907.

Have a happy Canada Day but keep in mind: "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." (Einstein)

In defense of 'funny internet videos'

Evidently the other day (see this post) Ashley seemed to decry the fact that all I have posted, other than my introductory post, has been an extremely hilarious Internet video. She felt that the reason I had done this was because this blog didn't really have 'direction'. But this is not so. This blog does have a direction, much like any other blog, it is a living breathing organism that will be defined as time goes on. I think one of the biggest attractors to blogs, as a medium, is that they offer both the reader and the poster to dictate the content as time goes on. If, for example, we wish to show off funny Internet videos, we can. And that's ok, because really this blog is ultimately about Ashley and I having a journal of sorts of our relationship. And really I can't think of a better example of our relationship than random art stuff, with just a little bit of funny videos thrown in for good measure.

Speaking of which:

Until next time, stay classy Internet!


If you happen to frequent Radio Misterioso then you may notice a new link under the Likeable Linkable column.